Are you ready to unlock the secret to quitting porn in 30 days or less and never worry about relapsing again?
Your Porn-Free Life is just a few clicks away
You are about to learn the untold secrets of quitting porn in less than 10 minutes.
Quitting porn doesn’t have to be a challenge.
But one reason it’s so difficult to quit is because everything you know about quitting doesn’t actually work.
Seriously. If it worked, you wouldn’t be reading this.
You’ve Googled “how to quit porn” more times than you can remember and you’ve gone down the “why can’t I quit porn” YouTuberabbit-hole more time than you can count.
That’s because every article you read, every YouTube video you watch, they all tell you the same thing:
“Stop thinking about it”
“Don’t masturbate”
“Keep yourself busy”
“Delete your history”
“Have sex instead”
“Install site blockers”
“Become a better man”
“Focus on your religion”
“You need willpower”
“Quit cold-turkey”
To make matters worse, you’ve tried all of those things and you’re still addicted to porn.
I know because that's what I did.
I read the same articles you did on Google
I watched the same YouTube Videos you did.
Here's My Story:
I spent 9 years of my life addicted to porn.
I tried everything to quit.
I could manage a week without porn here and there.
But I’d always cave in and [relapse.
The longest I ever went without porn 3 months.
I thought my addiction was broken, that I was finally free . . .
Then one night . . . I relapsed.
That one little mistake was enough to undo all the progress I had made.
But it didn't stop there.
Then I relapsed again the next day . . and the day after that.
Before I knew it, one relapse turned into an entire month of depression, defeat, and hopelessness.
I knew I should’ve stopped looking, but I didn’t.
I knew I should’ve gotten up and done something else, but I didn’t.
I was trapped in my addiction and I was ready to give up . . .
But I didn't.
So. How did I go from depressed, defeated, and hopeless . . . to confident, porn free, and living my best life ever?
I created a step-by-step system that guided me through every challenge quitting porn threw at me.
Whenever I was faced with temptation, I knew exactly what to do.
Anytime something triggered me, I knew why it did and what steps I needed to take to eliminate the trigger or fight it off.
Even if I got trapped and started watching porn, I had a process that made it so I could escape a relapse while it was happening.
How you ever been able to do that?
No more temptation.
No more struggle.
No more relapse.
Only freedom.
This Is That System:
How To Quit Porn in 30 Days gives you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step system that teaches you how to break free from addiction AND guides you through the framework to never relapse again.
It is the exact same system I used to end my 9-year porn addiction and finally find freedom.
This is Why You Need a System:
Porn addiction is mental and emotional.
Your brain is addicted to porn. That means it doesn’t want to live without it because it doesn’t know how to live without it.
After years of addiction, your brain needs porn to function normally.
That’s why when you go without it you feel groggy, lack clarity, and have no energy.
All you think about is porn until you get your fix.
But porn addiction is also an unhealthy emotional coping mechanism.
Meaning, you use porn to fill an emotional void.
You use porn to forget the way you feel now so you can feel the way you want to all the time.
This Quit Porn Masterclass gives you the tools you need to fight addiction mentally and emotionally.
But truly quitting porn requires a plan of action.
It’s one thing to know what to do and why you do it . . . it’s another to know how to do it and when to do it.
Because the moments right before relapse are the worst. Everything in you wants to quit, but your brain wants to watch porn.
That’s why this system shows and tells you what to do in those very moments.You’ll follow it and escape relapses before they even happen.
You remember that list I shared up above? With all the useless Google quit porn advice? Yeah, that list.
None of that “do this, not that” is inside this masterclass.
This Quit Porn Masterclass is the proven plan of action without any pointless Do’s and Don’ts.
It’s filled with insight, strategies, and systems for every battle you face against porn addiction.
Are you ready to take it?
What’s inside How to Quit Porn in 30 Days and Never Relapse Again:
Ebook (67 pages)
Course Videos (10 videos)
30 Day Quit-Porn Game Plan
Bonus Workbook (21 pages)
4 Bonus Videos
That's a $197 value for only $49!
But seriously, can you put a price on freedom?
What’s inside the Ebook and Course Videos:
Explains what porn is doing to your brain and why it happens (so you know how to stop it)
Breaks down misconceptions you have about porn addiction that makes it harder to quit (and how to overcome them)
Every man has a “why” they watch porn. If you don’t know what it is, you’ll keep relapsing. The ebook (and workbook) breaks down the most common reasons why men watch porn and gives you a quick way to find your own why
Porn addicts have “viewing habits” and not knowing these habits makes quitting harder. The ebook explains what these habits are, how to find your own, and what you need to do to break them so you can quit for good
Explains what triggers are, guides you through identifying them, and gives you a system to avoid or attack them before they turn into a relapse
Provides an easy-to-follow process to wean yourself off of porn so you don’t experience withdrawals (brain fog, lack of focus, no mental energy) or cravings for another “fix”
Explains what Sexual Transmutation is (the process of channeling your sexual energy into creative energy) and how you’ll use it to stay porn-free and become mentally stronger and more attractive
What’s Inside the BONUS Workbook and Videos:
The Relapse Framework walks you through a process to learn from your past relapses (and current ones) to figure out why you keep going back to porn
The Relapse Breakdown takes you from the moment you relapsed down to the underlying trigger that caused it. It guides you through the “deep-work” of figuring out exactly why you relapsed so you know what to do when it happens again
The Trigger Framework explains what you need to do when you experience a trigger. You have two options: Avoid or Attack. This framework lays out a specific game-plan; when you are being triggered, this video teaches you what to do so it doesn’t become a relapse
The Trigger Breakdown guides you through figuring out all your triggers (even the deep, secrets ones). Some triggers are visual, some are emotional. When you know what they are, you can avoid them. It’s always easier to avoid a trigger than it is to escape temptation
A 30 Day Schedule outlining each step you need to take each day of the month. It’s a quick point of reference that puts everything in the masterclass together so you know exactly what to do to quit.
P.S. I kept religion out of this course.
As soon as you finish the masterclass, here's what you'll learn (this is what really matters):
How To Quit Porn in 30 Days and Never Relapse Again gives you an instantly-actionable Quit-Porn-Process that eliminates withdrawals, cravings, and relapse.
It teaches you how to stay porn free so you can finally end the cycle of going a week clean, then relapse, then go two weeks clean, then relapse again.
Learn how to prevent yourself from being tempted by removing and avoiding ALL triggers. That means you won’t even want to watch porn.
But you can’t remove and avoid triggers if you don’t know what they are. That’s why the Trigger Breakdown shows you how to find them (even the deepest, most secret ones you didn’t even know you had).
By following the course, you’ll automatically get rid of erectile dysfunction and kill your desire to watch fetish content while you quit without any extra steps.
You will be able to escape temptation. Whether you’re thinking about watching porn, starting to watch it, or while you’re watching it, the masterclass gives you an actionable way out with the Trigger Analysis.
You’ll know exactly what to do IF you relapse by following the Relapse Framework to learn from them so they don’t happen again. Ever.
The way you think about porn addiction will change completely because you’ll understand what you’re actually addicted to so you can find healthy alternatives in real life.
Here's What Other Men Are Saying About It:
“Is this course right for me?”
How To Quit Porn in 30 Days and Never Relapse Again was made for men who are ready to quit porn for good.
Whether you watch porn once every few weeks
Or watch it 3-to-4 times per day
Whether you are single and ready to mingle
Or you are in a committed relationship with a beautiful woman
Whether you go to church every Sunday and are a strong believer
Or you don’t care about religion whatsoever
Whether you’re straight, bisexual, or gay --
Nothing changes how this masterclass will change your life.
“What if this course doesn’t work for me?”
That’s up to you, not me.
This masterclass is the how-to system that teaches AND guides you through the quit-porn-and-never-relapse-again process within 30 days (or less).
If you follow the system, it will work every time.
“What if I relapse while taking the course?”
If you do relapse after starting this course
Or while you’re in the middle of it
Heck, even after you’ve finished it from cover-to-cover
I’ve got you covered.
There’s an entire module about what to do IF that happens.
“OK . . well what about . . ”
Brother, here’s my email address: [email protected]
If you have any questions now or while taking the course, you can email me, DM me on Twitter, or we can set up a 20-minute Zoom call to get everything squared away.
When you buy one of my courses, you get access to me.
You’ll get a response ASAP.
Plus, I don’t care if I get double-texted in case I miss something.
Like I said, quitting doesn’t have to be a challenge.
Now, it won’t.
You know you need to quit.
That's why you're here -- because nothing else has worked.
This system works.
It worked for me. It works for dozens of other men.
Are you ready for it to work for you?
This One-Time Offer is everything you need to quit porn for good.
Before you get this Quit Porn Masterclass there's something you need to know about me . . .
I run an accountability group for men who are actively quitting their porn addiction as we speak.
I started the group because everyone tells you "get an accountability partner, it makes quitting easier."
Because the truth is, it does.
If one person can make your journey to freedom easier, imagine what 20+ accountability partners could do for you.
Enter . . . The PAAC
The men who get the masterclass AND join The PAAC are seeing phenomenal results with quitting porn.
But not just quitting porn, they're improving their relationships, their health, and their fitness.
Inside The PAAC, we take accountability and commitment very seriously. Because when you do, you change your life.
The PAAC is hosted on Slack with over 20 members.
We have different channels dedicated to different topics and pursuits.
Inside, you'll find the main chat, where men become brothers, and the Temptation Hotline that men use when they're in the heat of the moment and need instant support (just to name a few).
But what truly makes The PAAC work are our weekly Zoom calls on Saturday nights starting at 7PM Central
This isn't just a group chat. It is a brotherhood where men come together to intentionally change their lives in radical ways.
If you join The PAAC, you WILL quit porn.
You know why?
Because the men inside won't let you quit.